Hours of Operation
The library is open from 8.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The library closes on early Friday at 3.00pm. The library is available from 8.00a.m. until the bell rings for form for students to use the photocopier, to work on a computer, work station, to read, to check-out or check-in/renew materials/books.
Teacher Librarian: Maria Lagos
Library Assistant: Annett Carmody
Contact: Library@aviationhigh.eq.edu.au

Tutoring is on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Students must sign in/out on the iPad to be at tutoring. It is important that students are in the library for studying and not just for socialization.

Student IDs
Student photo identification cards are required to sign out library material/books. If the student has forgotten their ID cards then a name is sufficient.
Overdue and Lost Material
Students will be charged for overdue, lost and/or damaged materials. Cost of the materials is determined by the cost of the book at the time of purchase. The library book checkout period is two weeks and books may be renewed an additional two weeks by letting the Library staff know or bringing in the book.
- When students have an overdue book they may not check out any additional library materials/books.
- It is particularly important for all students to keep a clear Library record.
An invoice will be sent to the parents informing them of the overdue book after these steps have been completed:
- Students will be spoken to via the Librarian on why the books are overdue.
- Automatic email sent via the Library system.
- Emailed directly from the Librarian to the parent and/or student
- Phone call via the librarian to parent/s.
- Lost book/damaged and reported via the Library system.
- An invoice will be sent via the Finance Department.
- If the student returns the book after the invoice being sent a credit note will be credited to your account.
- If in any error or doubt about the book the student can see the Librarian about the issue.

Board Games/Chess
A sign in/out sheet for Board Games/Chess was also established and students were playing board games in which they must return in a good condition. These games are not to be used during spares for senior students as they should have a lot of work to complete for their subjects. Any damage to the games will be reported to the Librarian and maybe paid for by the parents dependent on how much damage is done.