
Senior school


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Year 10 Curriculum

At Aviation High School, Year 10 provides a link between the Junior and Senior school. Students study six subjects in each semester. Year 10 is designed to establish the framework from which Year 11 and 12 will be built. Students must reach certain minimum requirements in Year 10 English and Mathematics to study Senior English and Mathematics. Other subjects are designed to illustrate to the students the type of skills needed to extend their study in the Senior school.

Starting with the Year 10 Career Education, students quickly identify their strengths/weaknesses, likes/dislikes and investigate the wide variety of education and training opportunities available to them. From this​ students develop their Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan which outlines specific targets and goals for Year 11 and beyond. It forms the basis of their senior subject selection. 

SET Planning process

Whilst there are many options available to students, careful planning and commitment is needed to be successful. To help young people and their parents/carers make decisions about their options in the senior phase of learning, all Year 10 students participate in the Senior Education and Training Planning process.

A Senior Education and Training Plan (SET) Plan helps students structure their learning around their abilities, interests and ambitions. As part of the planning process, students think about their future, consider their abilities and investigate their options for careers and further education.

The Student, their parents or carers, and the school meet to develop the SET Plan, which details what, where and how a student will study during their senior phase of learning (usually Years 11 and 12). The plan in finalised by the end of Year 10. The SET Plan is reviewed periodically to monitor the student’s progress. It can be updated at any time. (QCAA Website, February 2015). 

Year 11 and 12 Curriculum

Aviation High School has a wide range of subjects that can be studied in Years 11 and 12. This subject range offers a variety of subjects allowing students with different strengths and areas of interest to pursue their future aspirations.

All Year 11 and 12 students study an English subject and a Mathematics subject. They also choose four other subjects from a range of General or Applied subjects for Year 11 or Authority or other subjects for Year 12, as described below. This takes the total number of subjects studied to 6. 

General subjects are suited to students who are interested in pathways beyond senior secondary schooling that lead to tertiary studies. Results from General subjects may contribute to an ATAR. Success in General subjects contributes to QCE attainment.

Applied subjects are suited to students who are primarily interested in pathways beyond senior secondary schooling that lead to vocational education and training or work. Success in Applied subjects contributes to QCE attainment.


Across Australia, the ATAR is a standard measure of a student's overall academic achievement in relation to that of other students.  It is intended to assist tertiary institutions to select applicants into their courses.

The ATAR is a percentile rank, not a mark.  This rank indicates a student's position relative to other students in their age group in any given year.

It's expressed as a number on a 2000-point scale from 99.95 down to 0.00 in steps of 0.05.  Education Qld will report the lowest score of 30.

An ATAR of 80.00 does not mean a student got 80%.  It indicates that the student placed in the top 20% of students in Queensland in their Year 12 age group.

What are the eligibility requirements for an ATAR?

To be eligible for an ATAR, a student must:

  • Complete five General subjects (Units 3 and 4); or

  • Complete four General subjects (units 3 and 4) plus on Applied subject (at Units 3 and 4) or a VET course at AQF Certificate III level or higher; and

  • accumulate results within a five-year period.

Students must also satisfactorily complete (i.e. achieve a minimum grade of C or higher) an English subject (one of English, English as an Additional Language, English and Literature Extension, Literature, or Essential English).

While students must satisfactorily complete an English subject to be eligible for an ATAR, the result in English will only be included in the ATAR calculation if it is one of the student's best five scaled results.  For more information on  ATAR​ please go to QTAC​ website. 

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

All students participating in the Senior Phase of Learning must be working towards a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).

The QCE is Queensland's senior school qualification, which is awarded to eligible students usually at the end of Year 12.

Students working towards a QCE have a wide range of learning options;  these can include senior school subjects, vocational education and training, workplace and community learning, and university subjects undertaken while at school.

To be eligible for a QCE, students must achieve at least 20 credits of learning.  A minimum of 12 credits must come from completed Core courses of study.  Students must also meet the QCE literacy and numeracy requirements. 


The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and ATAR are different and have different purposes.



Certifies learning, showing the individual has achieved a specific standard of education at senior schooling level and may be considered for further study and employment.

Tells us about a student's position (or ranking) compared to all other students in the state.  The only intended purpose for the ATAR is to assist with selecting applicants for tertiary study.
Shows a set of results across QCE subjects.  Your results in a subject show your performance in the subject against every student who took the subject.
Your ATAR measures your position (or ranking) against the whole Queensland Year 12 age cohort, where a variety of combinations of subjects have been studied.  Is based on scaled results.
Is awarded and released by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA).
Is calculated and released by QTAC.

Alternative Pathways

Alternative Pathways include opportunities such a school based apprenticeships and traineeships (SAT) , attending external Queensland curriculum and Assessment Authority registered training organisations (RTO), and work experience.

They are available to all Year 11 and 12 students.

School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

This involves attending one day of paid work per week and completing the appropriate training package, usually Certificate III level, in most areas of employment.

The student's timetable is adjusted to five subjects to allow them the flexibility to complete all commitments and with most traineeships taking between 12 to 24 months this usually enables apprentices to exit during the senior schooling phase as a second year apprentice. 

Last reviewed 23 July 2024
Last updated 23 July 2024